Thursday, February 17, 2011

Preface vs Forward vs Introduction?

Sounds confusing?  Well, after doing some research, I've come to the conclusion that what Continuum needs is a Preface from me detailing where and why I've written Continuum.  And an Introduction which I hope sets the proper tone and gives Continuum a proper starting point.

If you're confused when a Preface, Forward or Introduction should be used, then do a bit of online research.  They differences are subtle but important.

So now Continuum has a proper Preface and what used to be the Preface is now an Introduction.  Which I've again, changed:

Life in the universe is varied and vast.  From bits of matter that are slightly more than inorganic reactions to beings known simply as the Continuum Weavers.  A very ancient race with great power that live in, yet are not bound by, our 4-dimensions of space-time.  Little is known about them.  Very rarely do they interact with anyone, including their own.  But on occasion, when the need arises, they do enlist help with their weaving.

Why am I continually changing and refining the introduction?  Well, how often is it true that the first impression is the most important?  The Introduction is generally ones first impression of the book.  For me, it should be short, set the tone and draw the person into the story.  Tall order for sure.  Hopefully, the Introduction above, is pretty much completed.  I'm pretty happy with it finally.

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