The first is regarding "stodgy old IBM mainframes". Don't know why I've seen this more often recently in print and in various online lectures, but there seems to be a lot of misunderstandings about the current state of the IBM mainframe world. Granted, IBM mainframes are rather graphically-challenged, in many ways, but that's because they are designed to be back-end servers, and not in-your-face desktop systems. What really gets me are those who ignore the investment and progress that the IBM mainframe has made since the days when these authors and lecturers had any hands-on experience. The comparisons made generally are of current *nix or Windows capable back-end servers to MVS 3.8J-vintage S/370 mainframes. The comparisons are as valid as someone comparing an current IBM zSeries mainframe to a Digital PDP/8 or PDP/11.
The reasons why all of these long-lived platforms are so long-lived is simply because they fulfill a business need. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. It's become apparent to me, that the computing platform of ones personal choice is very much like ones word-processor of choice. It might not be the best out there at the time, it might not be the most favored, or not the newest; but it's the first one learned. The very first word processor I learned was MS Word back in 1986 when everyone else in the world was using WordPerfect. Personally, I've always like Word better than WordPerfect for one reason, it was my first word processor. Likewise, my computing platform of choice is z/OS, simply because I learned MVS first.
It's easy to put down other computing platforms when writing articles or presentations where no feedback is permitted. For me, though, I loose all respect and credibility for those authors or presenters who belittle other platforms with decades old information. It simply shows me how uninformed they are, and how out of touch with the rest of the computing world that exists outside of their little bubble. I still remember when back in the early 1990s when Bill Gates made the prediction that the last IBM mainframe would be shut off in 1995. Not putting down Mr. Gates by any means, just want to express how easy it is for anyone to become out of touch from the greater computing universe.
The second item I wish to bring up is this whole discussion about Basic or Basic-like languages that are easier to learn. The very first computing language I learned wan't basic at all. It was the PDP/8-E assembler and macro language. We didn't learn much, but enough to understand the basics regarding how the computer worked. The real first computing language I learned was Digital's Edusystem-30 Basic. At the ripe old age of 14, I was writing binary search routines, bubble sorts, and some simple games. But the language didn't have to be Basic, it just had to be simple to learn. There are alternatives out there that are available and free for almost every computing platform. Recently, I've introduced Rexx to a number of people. It's as simple to learn as Basic, it's free, and available on pretty much every platform. Rexx is a great scripting language and teaching tool. I wish people would take it more seriously!
Thanks for reading my musings and rants. Please let me know your opinions!