Thursday, March 17, 2011

Still working on Continuum ....

Need to let Continuum just percolate in the back of my mind for a while.  Don't know if any other writer experiences this or not, but the story and my writing is best when not forced.  It's smoldering at the back of my mind or sometimes in my dreams.  When it's ready to be written, then I feel the need and desire to express it.  Otherwise, it sounds forced and contrived instead of envisioned and deep.

Not trying to say anything profound with Continuum.  During my writings so far and dreams I've had since its start, I've created an entire world and history with the Shahdoan.  History going back to when the Shahdoan were still on their home worlds, through the Great Crisis, up to the present day.

Our two peoples, Humans and Shahdoan, are intertwined at important points in each other's history thanks to the Continuum Weaver, Cosima.  Cosima enlisted help from each peoples at pivotal events in history of the other to guide, advise, and help.

If Continuum has anything to say, it's that everything and everyone is connected to each other.  In minor ways, but at times in major ways.  We all are threads woven into a continuum like tapestry.  Each thread adding it's own color, texture and strength to the whole.

Justin is one of a very few humans that Cosima enlisted to help the Shahdoan.  There have been and will be Shahdoan who likewise assist mankind.  In some future time, our two people will discover we are galactic neighbors and more alike than not.  Even though this is Justin's first visit with the Shahdoan, from his point of view, it's in fact the second time Justin was visiting the City.  He heads back to the City in his personal future, and the Shahdoans past to help them through their Great Crisis.  Justin, in fact, creates the prophecy of the Visitor.  Justin, during the time of the Great Crisis, prophecies about his first visit many many years later.

So please be patient.  When I feel the time is ready to write the next chapter or two, I will sit down and type up a storm.  My ex always said when I was typing and concentrating fully on what I was writing, my fingers would blur like Data from Star Trek: TNG.  Well, when one types all day for work, one has a tendency to become rather proficient at that task.  Other abilities suffer, though, like my handwriting.  Typing is so second nature to me, I have a hard time actually writing something.  Not that I have forgotten, I simply don't have the patience for it.  A strike of a key is so much faster than drawing the letter on the page.  My ex always struggled to type, even after typing lessons, but had the most elegant and beautiful handwriting.  Mine makes the scribblings of a medical doctor look like elegant calligraphy.  I'm lucky if I can ready what I wrote a few minutes earlier.

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